No, that's not a typo. Yes, you read it right. This is a list is of my Top 5 favorite rock songs featuring the saxophone. Counting down from five to #1, let's get right to it.
5. Bruce Springsteen, Dancing in the Dark (1984)
I probably could've chosen another Springsteen song, but the subtle solo at the end of this one makes it one of my favorites. Sailing in right after that "Hey, baby!", the late, great Clarence Clemons finishes out the song with one of his smoothest solos.
4. Gregg Rolie, Close My Eyes (1985)
My favorite part is towards the end of the song; it's small, but man oh man, it's there! The solo in the middle is quite satisfying as well. And I love blasting it while I'm driving. Or in my room. Or anywhere.
3. Ringo Starr, Photograph (1973)
It's funny, the sax in this song reminds me of SNL. And Christmas. The song just sounds cheery. Also, it was so fun to sing along to when I saw him in concert last summer.
2. Pink Floyd, Us and Them (1973)
The worst part of this song: it cuts off at the end. I guess they were really trying to get you to buy the whole record (AOR, anyone?) and not just the $0.99 song on iTunes. The best part of this song: the piano and the sax. But mostly the sax. I can't say too much more about it; you just have to hear it for yourself.
1. Glenn Frey, You Belong to the City (1985)
Ok, THIS is the song that inspired me to make this list. My all-time favorite saxophone-in-a-rock-song song. I first heard it on the radio last summer (shout out to Oldies 103.9FM in Lynchburg, VA), listened to it online when I got home, and haven't stopped listening to it since. I could go on to say how much I dig how the drumbeat and bass kick in right after the saxophone intro, or how they keep playing it throughout the whole song, but all I'll say is I'm in love. I implore you to listen to it.
This is a short post with a very short list, but I hope you take the time to listen to each song. Not just because I like them and think they're great songs, but because they are great songs, so I hope you'll like them too.✌🏼